What are sisterisms? Sisterisms are insights, words of wisdom from one sister to another sister.
We all desire to see a peaceful world, but what can I, as one person, do to bring it about? I know that for peace to occur, I must cultivate peace in my heart and mind each day. I help create peace on a global level when I am on good terms with my neighbor, my partner, my employer and members of my family. As I find inner peace at home, it expands across the world.
Peace is my natural state. It comes from within me, not outside me. When
I forgive myself and others, peace flows easily through my entire being.
When I release any ill will against a perceived enemy, I feel peace
instead of anger and hostility. As I consciously give peace a chance,
all around me is transformed.
Queen Kalila Earth
April 27, 2010
April 22, 2010
What do you mean by Nice?
Definition- Obsolete, Foolish, Stupid, Senseless, Pleasing, Agreeable, Virtuous and Polite
Etymology- O.FR. nice silly or foolish L. nescius ignorant lit. not knowing
Etymology- O.FR. nice silly or foolish L. nescius ignorant lit. not knowing
When we speak a language the goal is always to understand the language that are vocalizing. In the late 13th century nice held a negative connotation. The turn came about in the latter part of the 14th century when the word began to carry a positive connotation meaning things like polite and virtuous. Now you might be thinking how can it carry meanings that are seemingly on opposite sides of the spectrum. My response is since when did the sky become purple because Sarah said so. The origin of the word itself means foolish or ignorant. This cannot change just because people started carrying a different implication or expression of the word. The major point is if we are going to speak a language, I suggest we master it. This is to ensure that we are prepared in the event that our understanding of the language is tested in any manner that is set out to deceive or confuse us. It will open up a whole new world of understanding through reading and shear conversation.
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
April 20, 2010
A Look at Goldenseal and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Botanical Name: Hydrastis Canadensis
Parts used: Rhizomes, root
Primary Uses: Common cold, sore throat, Chron’s disease, peptic ulcers, digestive disorders, sinusitis, excessive or painful menstruation, eczema, ear inflammations, vaginal infections, vaginal infections, gum disease and canker soars, parasitic infections, urinary tract infections, recurrent ear infections.
Dosage Options: Capsules 500mg up to four times daily. Tincture, 2-4 ml three times daily. Note: continuous use should not exceed three weeks, with a break of at least two weeks between uses.
Contraindications: Pregnancy and Lactation
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
Botanical Name: Hydrastis Canadensis
Parts used: Rhizomes, root
Primary Uses: Common cold, sore throat, Chron’s disease, peptic ulcers, digestive disorders, sinusitis, excessive or painful menstruation, eczema, ear inflammations, vaginal infections, vaginal infections, gum disease and canker soars, parasitic infections, urinary tract infections, recurrent ear infections.
Dosage Options: Capsules 500mg up to four times daily. Tincture, 2-4 ml three times daily. Note: continuous use should not exceed three weeks, with a break of at least two weeks between uses.
Contraindications: Pregnancy and Lactation
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
- Avoid refined foods such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, saturated fats, dairy products, and gluten– containing grains
- Eat more organic vegetables, legumes, whole grains (non-gluten), and Essential Fatty Acids (found in nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish)
- Beta carotene– 50,000 IU daily to strengthen immune function
- Vitamin C– 1,000 mg three to six times daily to increase energy and resistance
- B complex– 50 to 100 mg daily with additional B6 - (100mg daily) and B5 (100 to 250mg daily) to reduce the effects of stress
- Magnesium Aspartate- 400 to 1,000 mg daily to support energy production
- L– Carnitine- 330mg one to three times daily to support energy production in the cells
- Carrot juice, kelp and bee pollen provide energy if fatigue is due to low blood pressure
- Siberian Ginseng– 200mg daily to support adrenal function and increase resistance to stress and disease
- Licorice– 250-500 mg daily for its antiviral properties and adrenal support (Licorice should not be taken by those with high blood pressure)
- Jasmine, Peppermint, and Rosemary– essential oils are calming and restorative and may be used in aromatherapy
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
April 13, 2010
How to Make Time to Have Me Time
Its 5:00 and you’re on the highway making your way home from work when you remember you need to stop at the store for bread and something else but you can’t remember what else you needed to pick up. You get a call from your daughter and she says she needs to be picked up from soccer practice. You call your husband to see if he can get her so you can have time to run in the store and get to the daycare to pick up the baby before 6:00. He reminds you he has a business meeting after work. How could you have forgotten! Now what do you do because you really wanted to have a little Me Time tonight! A simple bubble bath and glass of wine after dinner but with everything going on you will be lucky to get in a three minute shower.
The biggest interference with those “stolen” moments of Me Time is simply not being organized. Now a day our families are so busy. If we had a convenient and easy way to track all of our schedules, shopping list, and to do list we can plan accordingly and make more time for Me Time.
If this sounds familiar I have found the PERFECT website for you. Cozi is a FREE online family organizer to manage the family calendar, track shopping and to do lists, share a family journal & more! Since I have started using Cozi my life has been so much easier!
Let me tell you how this works. When you sign up for Cozi it will ask you to enter your family’s information. You enter name, email address, and cell numbers for each family member. Cozi then starts a colored coded calendar system that will help you keep track of every thing going on in your family’s busy life. Each family member is assigned a colored dot that will be used to represent an appointment on the calendar and a color if it is an appointment that affects the whole family. You can then sync any online calendars with your Cozi calendar. For example, I clicked on the button that allows you to link to your child’s school calendar to your Cozi calendar. Next I typed in the city and state in which we live, Cozi provided a list of schools in the city, I clicked on the appropriate school, clicked on the child’s name associated with that school and like magic the school calendar appeared on my Cozi calendar (color coordinated with that child’s dot and all)! This will help to keep everything that everyone is doing organized… You can then have Cozi text reminders of different calendar appointments to the appropriate family members phone or it will send them and email. Your will also get an email with the calendar of the week each Sunday!
Cozi will also remember your shopping and to do list for you. The shopping list can be texted to your phone and with both you can call a 1-800 number and Cozi will read the list to you. You can also send a text and have Cozi send you a text of your part of the family calendar.
If you are an OutLook users Cozi will easily sync with your Out Look calendar with your Cozi Calendar.
There is also a fun and easy way to keep all family memories and share updates with family and friends. You can make daily entries in a family journal, add pictures and chose to share a particular journal entry, a monthly newsletter, or a link to your very own family website.
Cozi is so easy to use. Just a few clicks of your keyboard and a few minutes of your day you are on your way to being more organized and having more time for you!
Queen Kalila Earth
April 10, 2010
How Do We Teach Our Children
The best thing that we as parents can do to really make sure that our children get the most out of this experience is to creatively help them to
learn the material. As a teacher you have to know the different styles of learning to reach a greater number of the children that would be in
your class, well that information will be a helpful tool to you as parents as well. I have enclosed different styles of learning to aide you in observing
your child to see the best way to help them retain the information that their school or you will be teaching them.
What are learning styles?
Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning.
What are the types of learning styles?
1. Visual Learners:
Learn through seeing. These learners need to see the teacher’s body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a
lesson, They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions.They may think in pictures and learn from visual
displays including:diagrams, illustrated text, books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs. During a lecturelearn the material. As a teacher you have to know the different styles of learning to reach a greater number of the children that would be in
your class, well that information will be a helpful tool to you as parents as well. I have enclosed different styles of learning to aide you in observing
your child to see the best way to help them retain the information that their school or you will be teaching them.
What are learning styles?
Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning.
What are the types of learning styles?
1. Visual Learners:
Learn through seeing. These learners need to see the teacher’s body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a
lesson, They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions.They may think in pictures and learn from visual
or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.
2. Auditory Learners: Learn through listening. They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening
to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed,
and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and
using a tape recorder.
3. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner: Learn through moving, doing, and touching. They learn best through hands-on approach, actively exploring
the physical world around them. They may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted by their need for activity
and exploration.
What is Multiple Intelligence?
They are seven different ways to demonstrate intellectual ability.
What are the types of multiple intelligence?
1. Visual/Spatial Intelligence: Ability to perceive the visual. Theses learners tend to think in pictures and need to create
vivid mental images to retain information. They enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies.
2. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence: Ability to use words and language. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and
are generally elegant speakers. They think in words rather than pictures.
3. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence: Ability to use reason, logic, and numbers. These learners think conceptually in logical and numerical
patterns making connections between pieces of information. Always curious about the world around them while asking lots of questions.
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence: Ability to control body movements and handle objects skillfully. These learners express themselves
through movement. They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand coordination. Through interacting with the space around them,
they are able to remember and process information.
5. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence: Ability to produce and appreciate music. These musically inclined learners think in sounds, rhythms, and patterns.They immediately respond to music either appreciating or criticizing what they hear. Many of these learners are extremely sensitive
to environmental sounds.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence:Ability to relate and understand others. These learners try to see things from other people’s point of view in order to understand how they feel and think. They often have and uncanny ability to sense feelings, intentions, and motivations. They are great organizers,
although they sometimes resort to manipulation. Generally they try to maintain peace in group settings and encourage co-operation. They
use both verbal and non verbal language to open communication channels with others.
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: Ability to self-reflect and be aware of one’s inner state of being. These learners try to understand their inner feelings,dreams, relationships with others, and strengths and weaknesses.
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
April 8, 2010
Green Machine
Peace Family,
We wanted to share with you some healthy recipes that you can conversely share with your family. It is so important that we break the cycles of unhealthy eating and get back into a diet that promotes life. The Green Machine is an easy recipe that can be eaten alone or with another dish. I will that you enjoy it in love and good health!!
Green Machine
Ingredients: Make sure everything is fresh!!
Asparagus Tips
Broccoli (1 1/2 cup)
Zucchini (1 large)
Green Beans (2 handfuls)
Yellow Squash (1 large) (Not green but very tasty)
Kale (optional)
Garlic (3 Cloves)
Onions (1 medium)
Sea Salt (1 tsp- season to taste)
Rosemary (1 tsp- season to taste)
Thyme (1 tsp- season to taste)
Sage (1 tsp- season to taste)
Olive Oil (2 tsp)
Vegan Margarine (5 tbsp)
Instructions:Listen to some music and dance while you enjoy making a healthy dish for your family
- Place olive oil in a pan and heat up
- Cut up your garlic and onions
- Place the garlic and onions (season lighty with above spices) until they become translucent
- Place 3 tbsp of margarine in the pan
- Place all vegetables in the pan
- Add Sea Salt, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage
- Rotate food within the pan to ensure it is well coated
- Add the remaining 2 tbsp of margarine to the pan
- Cover and cook until desired tenderness (I usually cook for 30min)
Variation:For the KALE option
Asparagus Tips
Broccoli (1 1/2 cup)
Zucchini (1 large)
Green Beans (2 handfuls)
Yellow Squash (1 large) (Not green but very tasty)
Kale (1 Bunch)
Garlic (3 Cloves)
Onions (1 medium)
Sea Salt (1 tsp- season to taste)
Rosemary (1 tsp- season to taste)
Thyme (1 tsp- season to taste)
Sage (1 tsp- season to taste)
Olive Oil (2 tsp)
Vegan Herb Bouillon Cubes (1 cube)
Water (1/2 cup)
- Place olive oil in a pan and heat up
- Cut up your garlic and onions
- Place the garlic and onions (season lighty with above spices) until they become translucent
- Place water and bouillon cube in the pan and wisk until cube is dissolved
- Place all vegetables in the pan
- Add Sea Salt, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage
- Rotate food within the pan to ensure it is well coated
- Add the remaining 2 tbsp of margarine to the pan
- Cover and cook until desired tenderness (I usually cook for 45min)
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
April 2, 2010
Peace and Blessings
I am a happily married mother of 4 beautiful children. I currently work as an Executive Administrative Assistant/Special Events Planning. I am working to start my own line of natural bath, beauty and home care
products and will be starting my journey to become a doula in June of this year.I enjoy spending time learning, laughing, teaching (with/to/from) other sisters. The bond of sisterhood is very important to me as it helps women to grow, as we learn so much from one another. Nurturing those sister relationships is not always easy but always necessary. I am so excited to be here to be able to share what I have learned about being a sister, a mother, a wife and a friend with you!
Queen Kalila Earth
I am a happily married mother of 4 beautiful children. I currently work as an Executive Administrative Assistant/Special Events Planning. I am working to start my own line of natural bath, beauty and home care
products and will be starting my journey to become a doula in June of this year.I enjoy spending time learning, laughing, teaching (with/to/from) other sisters. The bond of sisterhood is very important to me as it helps women to grow, as we learn so much from one another. Nurturing those sister relationships is not always easy but always necessary. I am so excited to be here to be able to share what I have learned about being a sister, a mother, a wife and a friend with you!
Queen Kalila Earth
Peace & Blessings
Peace Family,
My name is Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth. I am mommy to a wonderful son and twin girls. Over the last couple of years I have been fortunate enough to be able to be at home with my children. I have learned so much from them and about them. It has truly been an eye opening experience. During that time I also started my own business making handcrafted accessories. I love having the ability to have a vision and create from that vision something that others have appreciated. I guess you could say that these last few years have brought many things into life as well as taken them away. One thing that has remained has been my sisters. I have grown to appreciate the bond that having a sincere, loving, trustworthy, caring, real, etc. woman in my life can bring. I realized that we all need our sisters even when they don't realize that that is who they are to us. We are a communal people and in our history, our sisters taught us, they cared for us, they birthed our children into the world, held our hands in difficult times, and cared for our children as their own. I am looking forward to learning, sharing and growing with all of you
Peace and Love
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
My name is Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth. I am mommy to a wonderful son and twin girls. Over the last couple of years I have been fortunate enough to be able to be at home with my children. I have learned so much from them and about them. It has truly been an eye opening experience. During that time I also started my own business making handcrafted accessories. I love having the ability to have a vision and create from that vision something that others have appreciated. I guess you could say that these last few years have brought many things into life as well as taken them away. One thing that has remained has been my sisters. I have grown to appreciate the bond that having a sincere, loving, trustworthy, caring, real, etc. woman in my life can bring. I realized that we all need our sisters even when they don't realize that that is who they are to us. We are a communal people and in our history, our sisters taught us, they cared for us, they birthed our children into the world, held our hands in difficult times, and cared for our children as their own. I am looking forward to learning, sharing and growing with all of you
Peace and Love
Beautiful SciAsia Aset Earth
Forming Sisterly Bonds
Definition of Sisterhood - the solidarity of women based on shared, experiences, conditions, and/or concerns.
I have been blessed to have two physical sisters. We are close most times, sometimes not so close and sometimes cant stand one another LOL but we are always sister… Bonded by the love of our parents forever.
Over the years I have met some wonderful women and some of those women have become very close to me. I have called these women my sister friends. We have bonded for so many reasons (similar up bringing, similar interest, similar careers, our children and/or our experiences to name a few). These relationships are tried and true. They have withstood the test of time. We are connected and bonded. I now simply call them my sisters.
When forming bonds of sisterhood there are a few important things to keep in mind:
1. Know what is important to you in a sister. What characteristics are most important to you in a friend?
2. In order to gain a sister you must be a sister.
3. Show respect for one another’s journey – understand that she may not be in the same place as you in her life but her journey and growth & development is just as important as yours
4. Be there for her like she is there for you – nothing is worse than a one sided friendship. Those never last long because there is no balance.
5. Be honest with yourself about yourself – are you really in a position where you can extend yourself in a way that it will take to nourish a sisterhood bond
These are a few of the steps that I follow when nurturing a sisterly relationship. Taking the time to that is needs to plant those seeds and nurture those seeds of sisterhood will develop a bond with strong roots and will grow to be fruitful for all.
Queen Kailia Earth
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