There are some risk factors that are not under your control. Those risk factors are:
1. Age - as women get older the risk of heart disease and stroke rise
2. Gender - Each year approximately 55,000 more women than men have strokes and about 60% of total stroke deaths occur in women
3. Family History - if heat disease and stroke are common in your family that increases the risk for you
Despite these risk factors you can take action and lower your risk by 80% by following these basic guidelines:
1. No smoking and if you do smoke quit NOW! Studies show that if you quit smoking that in one years time your risk for heat disease will lower by more than half.
2. Lower High Blood Pressure - High blood pressure increases your risk for heart disease and stroke. You can work towards lowering your blood pressure by eating a heart healthy diet, lowering your sodium intake, getting regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy body weight and limiting your alcohol intake. You may also need to take medication to help regulate you blood pressure.
3. Lower High Cholesterol - Almost half of Original Women have a total Cholesterol that is too high. Excess cholesterol and fat in your blood build up in the walls of the vessels that supply blood to the heart and can lead to blockages. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, being active and taking medication if needed are ways to help lower high cholesterol.
4. Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight - Studies show that almost 80% of Original Women are overweight. Being over weight not only increases your risk for heart disease but also increases your risk for stroke, gall bladder disease and some cancers. Even a small weight loss can help to lower your risk.
5. Try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity level of exercise daily. Physical activity is crucial for your health and for your heart health!
Take control of you health
1. Have an invested part of your health care.
2. Be sure to be very clear and concise with your doctor about your health concerns.
3. If you do not understand what the doctor is telling you ask questions
4. Know your numbers! It is important that you know your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, BMI (Body Mass Index) and waist measurements and what this means for your overall health.
5. Ask about what screening test are available for heat disease.
6. ask about a heart healthy diet that would work well for you.
You have to power to take control of heart disease and not to let heart disease take control of you!
Queen Kalila Earth
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