April 20, 2010

A Look at Goldenseal and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Botanical Name: Hydrastis Canadensis

Parts used: Rhizomes, root

Primary Uses: Common cold, sore throat, Chron’s disease, peptic ulcers, digestive disorders, sinusitis, excessive or painful menstruation, eczema, ear inflammations, vaginal infections, vaginal infections, gum disease and canker soars, parasitic infections, urinary tract infections, recurrent ear infections.

Dosage Options: Capsules 500mg up to four times daily. Tincture, 2-4 ml three times daily. Note: continuous use should not exceed three weeks, with a break of at least two weeks between uses.

Contraindications: Pregnancy and Lactation

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
  1. Avoid refined foods such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, saturated fats, dairy products, and gluten– containing grains
  2. Eat more organic vegetables, legumes, whole grains (non-gluten), and Essential Fatty Acids (found in nuts, seeds, and cold-water fish)
  3. Beta carotene– 50,000 IU daily to strengthen immune function
  4. Vitamin C– 1,000 mg three to six times daily to increase energy and resistance
  5. B complex– 50 to 100 mg daily with additional B6 - (100mg daily) and B5 (100 to 250mg daily) to reduce the effects of stress
  6. Magnesium Aspartate- 400 to 1,000 mg daily to support energy production
  7. L– Carnitine- 330mg one to three times daily to support energy production in the cells
  8. Carrot juice, kelp and bee pollen provide energy if fatigue is due to low blood pressure


  • Siberian Ginseng– 200mg daily to support adrenal function and increase resistance to stress and disease
  • Licorice– 250-500 mg daily for its antiviral properties and adrenal support (Licorice should not be taken by those with high blood pressure)
  • Jasmine, Peppermint, and Rosemary– essential oils are calming and restorative and may be used in aromatherapy
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